
Sekolah Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer Indonesia (STIKI) Malang is a higher education institution that focuses on the field of information technology. STIKI Malang has been established in 1985 and currently has 3 study programs at the undergraduate level (S1), namely Informatics Engineering, Visual Communication Design / DKV, and Information Systems. In addition, STIKI also has 1 Diploma 3 (D3) study program, namely Information Management. All study programs have been accredited by BAN-PT.

In line with the National Education Vision 2025, namely: INTELLIGENT & COMPETITIVE INDONESIAN PERSONNEL and the 2003 National Education System Law, STIKI since 2009 has continuously improved itself, both in the governance system, student development, lecturer development, alumni empowerment, and collaborating with various party. This is in line with efforts to realize STIKI’s vision, namely “To be one of ten quality ICT universities in Indonesia, and recognized internationally”.

In the current era of globalization, the transformation of education which is the driving force of society at large has moved very quickly so that it not only moves society to develop into an advanced society but also becomes a knowledge-based society. The role of science and technology in a knowledge-based society is very dominant. Utilization of science and technology in people’s lives as well as the transfer of technology will encourage optimal mastery of technology in Indonesian society.

As one of the informatics universities in Indonesia, STIKI has an important role to encourage the creation of a knowledge-based society by utilizing science and technology in all aspects of people’s lives. The role of students, alumni, and lecturers in producing quality ICT works is expected to increase the number of intellectual assets of the Indonesian nation. In addition, quality community service activities in the field of ICT are a manifestation of the care of the academic community in enabling the Indonesian people to master ICT, so that they become a knowledge-based society.

Until now, various networks of Domestic (DN) and Overseas (LN) cooperation with various educational institutions and industries have helped strengthen the quality of learning, and the academic atmosphere for all academics, to prepare themselves for global challenges & changes.